
How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Washington State?

If you get involved in a harmful accident in Washington, filing a personal injury claim can allow you to hold someone accountable and recover financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and other losses. If you wish to file a claim, it is critical that you do so within Washington’s statute of limitations,…

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Should You Accept an Accident Insurance Settlement Offer?

A serious accident can upend your life, making it difficult to participate in your regular activities and work. While it can be tempting to quickly take the first settlement offered to you by an insurance company to get a quick check, it is imperative to wait until you are sure the amount is fair….

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How Weather Conditions Impact Motorcycle Accidents

As a motorcyclist in Washington, it is critical to understand how different weather conditions can impact your ride. Checking the weather and knowing what to expect from different conditions can help you stay safe and potentially avoid a motorcycle accident in Washington state. Rain and Thunderstorms Precipitation from rain or a storm can lead…

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The Role of Helmets in Preventing Brain Trauma in Motorcycle Collisions

If you ride a motorcycle in Washington, it is in your best interest to wear a helmet to protect your head, skull, and brain from injury. Traumatic brain injuries are a common cause of motorcyclist death in motorcycle accidents. Wearing protective headgear may save you from life-changing or fatal brain trauma. What Is the…

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Safety Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycling in the Pacific Northwest should not end in disaster. Unfortunately, motor vehicle drivers do not always fulfill their duty to drive safely. Careless and reckless drivers can cause deadly motorcycle collisions, as can motorcycle defects and dangerous road conditions. If you were in a motorcycle accident, reach out to a Vancouver motorcycle accident…

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5 Most Common Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclists face many risks and hazards each time they ride. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that 5,579 motorcyclists lost their lives in 2020 – the highest number of motorcyclist deaths since data collection began in 1975. Identifying the most common types of motorcycle accidents can illuminate how and why these collisions take…

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