Most states have laws against texting and driving, but the laws are certainly wide-ranging when you look at how people are punished from one state to another. Alaska is known as the Last [...]
You’ve probably heard the term “expert witness” on TV dramas, but these experts actually play a very real and important role in personal injury cases. Also known as a judicial expert or [...]
New research on Washington state drivers has found that too many of us are not making good decisions with smart phone use while behind the wheel. Researchers from the University of Washington [...]
The odds are high that you will be involved in an car accident at some point in your life, if not already. According to the U.S. National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHSTA) there is a [...]
No matter where you go, locals in that community will likely complain that their area has the worst drivers. Let’s let the facts from a recent report on the matter shed some light on the [...]
Personal injury law is often complex and maybe a little confusing to anyone other than practicing attorneys and other legal professionals. With that complexity comes plenty of misconceptions [...]
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. There are a number of potential negative health consequences, one of [...]
Last month, The NAFA Fleet Management Association expressed concerns over the National Transportation Safety Board’s new safety recommendations earlier this summer. After examining the [...]
It’s alarming to hear people insist that hands-free phone use in vehicles is not dangerous. That’s because the evidence does not back up that assertion. We already know that [...]
Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance is coverage available to you as an extra level of financial protection should you get into a car accident. Some states require the coverage, such as [...]