
How Medicare Disrupts Personal Injury Payments

How Medicare Disrupts Personal Injury Payments In the much-talked about subject of Medicare, little is said about how personal injury settlements can get quite messy for beneficiaries, creating long delays in the process. A new law sets out to fix those problems that arise when Medicare steps in between the beneficiary and the party…

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Another Sad Sexual Assault Story Ignored by Authorities

It seems like we’ve almost become numb to these stories. We hear about hundreds of children sexually molested by Catholic priests. Yet instead of notifying the police, Church elders cover it up and transfer predators to other parishes where even more kids are raped and molested. And it isn’t just the Catholic Church. The…

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3 Distracted Driving Apps Worth Considering

5 Distracted Driving Apps Worth Considering With the advent of wireless leaders such as AT&T launching major public awareness campaigns regarding distracted driving, the issue has become much more pervasive in the public consciousness. It’s certainly paved the way for software developers to satisfy both their entrepreneurial and altruistic spirits. Distracted driving apps take…

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Court Restores $8.5 Million Cement Truck Verdict

Court Restores $8.5 Million Cement Truck Verdict Social media brings an entirely new dynamic to the world of litigation. For instance, photos on a Virginia man’s Facebook account were brought up during his wrongful death lawsuit against a cement truck driver and his employer… and it almost became a very costly mistake. On June…

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Black Ice: Winter Driving’s Invisible Threat

  Black Ice: Winter Driving’s Invisible Threat Those of us in the Portland/Vancouver area have experienced a pretty big drop in temperatures of late. With that in mind, Portland’s Bureau of Transportation warned residents to drive cautiously over the New Year’s holiday, due to the risk of black ice and slippery wet roads. It…

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Washington DUI Law for Marijuana Sparks Debate

Washington voters approved Initiative 502, the landmark, albeit controversial, decision to legalize marijuana in the state. While there are still some logistical hoops to go through, it became official December 6, 2012. Over the course of 2013, Washington will be creating a tightly regulated and taxed market for recreational marijuana sales at state-licensed retail…

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Drowsy Driving Overlooked as Road Safety Problem

Drowsy Driving Overlooked as Road Safety Problem Most of the discussion in the distracted driving debate centers around the use of cell phones. It’s certainly a major concern, one that should be at the forefront for anyone involved in making our roads safer. But there’s an overlooked form of distracted driving, one that has…

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Dangers of Oregon Truck Driver Law Exemptions

Dangers of Oregon Truck Driver Law Exemptions Commercial truck drivers work long hours under physically and mentally difficult circumstances. While state and federal law is in place to regulate the industry and optimize driver safety and the safety of everyone they share the roads with, there are some glaring exemptions, loopholes if you will,…

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Distracted Driving Policies for Businesses: Why You Need One

Distracted Driving Policies for Businesses: Why You Need One When you consider protecting your business from liability, you need to go beyond the premises of where you and your employees work. If you have workers who drive while they are on the clock, their behavior on the roads can have a direct legal impact…

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Commercial Truck Accident: Driver Asleep at the Wheel

Much is made about the issue of truck drivers and the amount of work they put in behind the wheel. Are they pushed too hard to meet deadlines and earn their pay, which is tied to their performance? Do commercial trucking laws do enough, and if so, are the drivers even following them? There’s…

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