
Oregon Drivers Can Now Prove Car Insurance By Phone

Have you ever found yourself scrambling for your insurance information after being pulled over by police? If you’re a resident of Oregon and Washington, you can show them your car insurance on your cell phone. Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber signed a bill into law May 14, taking effect immediately, that allows residents to show…

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Litigation Experience Critical When Hiring an Attorney

If you are ever injured in an accident and decide to make a claim to recover damages, chances are the case will be settled out of court. Most lawyers who handle injury claims put effort into resolving a case without having to file a lawsuit. On cases where a lawsuit is necessary, attorneys make…

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I-5 Bridge Collapse Comes With Important Insurance Lesson

There’s a careful investigation going on north of Seattle, where evidence is being removed from the Skagit River where last week’s horrific I-5 bridge collapsed. The Riverside Bridge collapsed after a truck hit an overhead beam. The accident sent two vehicles and three people into the frigid waters. Miraculously, everyone came out of it…

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