
PIP medical exams

Both Oregon and Washington require drivers carry liability insurance to operate a vehicle on public roads. The liability coverage has to be at least $25,000 in amount. Often referred to as “full coverage” policies, this type of insurance is available to pay damages to anyone injured in a collision as a result of another…

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The abuse of vulnerable adults

It seems that all too often we hear about a family member who has physically or financially abused an elderly parent or relative. It may start out innocent enough, with the family member taking on the task of caring for the aging person with declining health. Dealing with an aging adult in failing health…

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Oregon to increase insurance benefits

Every consumer in Oregon who wants to pilot a vehicle on the state’s highways is required to buy insurance. Every policy sold in Oregon is required by law to have certain minimum benefits. One of the benefits is Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, as it is referred to in the industry. This benefit pays…

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Whose uninsured motorist insurance to use?

If you are in an injury accident, you may find the guilty driver didn’t carry enough insurance to cover your claim. With the high price of medical care a simple three day hospitalization can end up costing you as much as $30,000 to $40,000, depending on the number of tests run and experts seen….

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